Grading Policies

Grading Weights

The final grade for this course depends upon the grades and scores earned on course components weighted as follows:

  • 3%: Persistence. Attendance and in-class question answering.
  • 6%: A number of in-class pop quizzes.
  • 18%: 6 individual homework.
  • 18%: 3 team projects.
  • 20%: 5 in-class labs.
  • 15%: Midterm exam.
  • 20%: Final exam.

Grades will be computed by rounding numerical percentages to the nearest integer and applying the following table:

Letter Range Letter Range Letter Range
A 93-100 B- 80-82 D+ 67-69
A- 90-92 C+ 77-79 D 63-66
B+ 87-89 C 73-76 D- 60-62
B 83-86 C- 70-72 F 0-59

In-class Labs

All labs are to be done individually, in class, with the assistance of the instructor. Each assignment will be given near the beginning of a class and must be uploaded to Canvas ( before the end of the class without late penalty. Extended submission is due on the same day before midnight, but any submission during this grace period will receive 15 points (out of 100) of late penalty. Submissions beyond midnight the same day will not be accepted. To receive full credit, a programming assignment must run without exceptions (errors), but partial credit will be awarded based on the understanding of the material demonstrated by the student’s code.


All homework assignments have to be completed individually in this course. Typically, you will have about two weeks to complete each assignment.


All projects are team projects in this course. For each project, all students must form teams of 2-3 members. Students should select their teams by using the Groups tab under People, on the Canvas webpage.

Teams are responsible for dividing their workload and meeting offline for at least 3 times. Documented meeting minutes have to be submitted as part of the deliverable. Except under extreme circumstances, all members of the team will receive the same grade for each project. One member of each team is designated the leader. The files for each project should be zipped up and uploaded by the team leader using Canvas before the due date.

Project and Homework Grading and Late Policy

All homework and project assignments will be graded based on the following criteria:

  • Correctness: Finding the right answer
  • Formatting: Displaying the right answer according to instructions
  • Style and Documentation: Producing readable code with appropriate comments

In general, assignments will be graded with the diff utility. For that reason, it is imperative that project output matches sample output to the character.

Late assignment will lose equation points per day, including weekends and holidays. For example, -1 after 1 day, -2 after 2 days, -4 after 3 days … until 8+ days students will receive 0 score. Under no circumstances should any student disclose their code, or copy the code written by other students or from an outside source. Both students will receive 0 score on the disclosed/copied assignment.
