Grading Policies

Grading Weights

The final grade for this course depends upon the grades and scores earned on course components weighted as follows:

  • 10% : A number of in-class pop quizzes.
  • 5% : Attendance and class participation.
  • 15%: 3 individual projects.
  • 20%: 3 team projects.
  • 30%: 2 midterm exams.
  • 20%: Final exam.

Grades will be computed by rounding numerical percentages to the nearest integer and applying the following table:

Letter Range Letter Range Letter Range
A 93-100 B- 80-82 D+ 67-69
A- 90-92 C+ 77-79 D 63-66
B+ 87-89 C 73-76 D- 60-62
B 83-86 C- 70-72 F 0-59

Individual or Team Projects

Individual projects meant to be small and nibble, and are usually delegated to be warm-up exercises and self-reflections.

For team projects, students must form a team of 2 members. Teams are responsible for dividing their workload fairly and meeting offline frequently. Documented meeting minutes have to be submitted as part of the deliverable. Students should select their teams by using the Groups tab under People, on the Canvas webpage.

Except under extreme circumstances, all members of the team will receive the same grade for each project. One member of each team is designated the leader. The files for each project should be zipped up and uploaded by the team leader using Canvas before the due date. If the project does not compile, the student will receive a score of 0.

Late Policy

In general, projects will be graded by the autograder. For that reason, it is imperative that project output matches sample output to the character.

Late assignment will lose equation points per day, including weekends and holidays. For example, -1 after 1 day, -2 after 2 days, -4 after 3 days … until 8+ days students will receive 0 score. Under no circumstances should any student disclose their code, or copy the code written by other students or from an outside source. Both students will receive 0 score on the disclosed/copied assignment.
