Policy Statements
Course Schedule
The most up-to-date course schedule will be posted on course website schedule page: https://peilong.github.io/courses/cs354/schedule/. Students are responsible for checking the schedule regularly. Schedule page will include: 1) teaching topics for each meeting; 2) reading assignments for each week and 3) special notes on specific days.
Course Announcements & Discussion
All course announcements will be sent to your Etown email accounts via Canvas Announcements. You are responsible for signing up for this service and checking your emails regularly.
I have created a Microsoft Teams channel (link) to facilitate course related discussion. Discussions are encouraged to be posted on the “QA” channel from Teams. Private instant messages can be sent directly to your recipient by search your recipient’s name on the “search” bar.
Attendance Policies
Attendance is expected of every student at every lecture. Students are responsible for all content covered in class as well as assigned book chapters. Due to their nature, pop quizzes cannot be made up.
Except in the case of documented emergencies, neither exams nor in-class labs can be made up afterwards. For excused absences, students must arrange to take the exam or do the lab before the normally scheduled time. Arrangements must be made with the instructor at least two weeks prior to the scheduled time.
Students are expected to maintain an attitude of respect at all times toward their colleagues, the equipment, and the instructor. Cell phones and similar devices is prohibited from using during lecturing time. Students who use offensive language, misuse computing facilities, or are otherwise disruptive of the classroom will be asked to leave.
Statement on School Closure
In the event that classes do not meet because Elizabethtown College is closed or delayed due to inclement weather or some other emergency, the slides that would have been covered during the missed classes will be posted through Canvas. Students are expected to do the assigned reading, review the slides, and e-mail the instructor with any questions. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the material when classes resume.
If a scheduled exam or lab is missed, it will normally be made up on the day that classes resume. If the College is closed on a day when a project is due, the project due date will also normally be extended until the day when classes resume. If circumstances render either of these makeup policies unreasonable, the instructor will send an e-mail explaining an alternative makeup opportunity to each student’s Elizabethtown e-mail account.
Statement on Academic Integrity
Check out the up-to-date statement from: Elizabethtown College Catalog, “Academic Judicial System”
Statement on the Use of ChatGPT and Generative AI Tools
The use of GenAI tools like ChatGPT to generate source code is prohibited for your assignments in this course unless otherwise noted in the syllabus. Therefore, your instructor will consider it a violation of academic integrity to use a GenAI tool for any purpose that is not explicitly outlined in assignment instructions. While this new technology can be very useful in certain contexts, it is important to make sure that its usage in the classroom setting is limited in order to ensure that you are doing original work and developing your critical thinking skills. In circumstances in which AI usage is permitted in class, you must acknowledge that usage and provide the chatbot with credit when it is a cited source. For instance, to cite ChatGPT in APA, the APA provides some direction at https://apastyle.apa.org/blog/how-to-cite-chatgpt. If you have any questions or uncertainty over the use of AI in this course, please reach out to the instructor.
Respect for Diversity
It is my intent that students from all backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. I also intend to present materials and activities that respect diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Please let me know if there are ways to further serve the diverse needs you or other students may have.
Religious Observances
The College is eager to facilitate individual religious beliefs and practices whenever possible while retaining course student learning outcomes. It is your responsibility to meet with the class instructor in advance to request arrangements related to your religious observances that may conflict with this class, and to make appropriate plans to make up any missed work. The following is a link from the Chaplain’s Office website where a list of Religious Holidays needing accommodations (if requested) is posted: https://www.etown.edu/offices/chaplain/index.aspx
Mental Health and Counseling Resources
Counseling Services provides a broad range of counseling and mental health support services that facilitate students’ personal, social, and academic development. The licensed mental health professionals provide short-term individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, and consultation to currently enrolled students for no additional charge. Counseling services are provided in a confidential and diversity-affirming environment to help students address a variety of mental health, situational, and developmental concerns. The office is located in the Baugher Student Center, Suite 216. Appointments can be made in person or by calling 717-361-1405. Urgent walk-in services are also available. To access the after-hours crisis services, please call the 24/7 Campus Security number of 717-361-1111. For more information, please visit www.etown.edu/offices/counseling.
ADA Statement
Elizabethtown College is committed to providing access for all students to courses, programs, services, and activities. If you have a documented disability such as a learning disability, chronic illness, or a new circumstance such as a concussion and would like to request accommodations, contact Lynne Davies, Director of Disability Services by phone (717-361-1227) or e-mail (daviesl@etown.edu). The Office of Disability Services can provide resources to you and facilitate communication with faculty about reasonable accommodations. After meeting with the Office of Disability Services, students must set up an appointment to meet with me, the instructor, to discuss the accommodations as they pertain to our class. Common accommodations may include extra time on exams, an alternate exam location, the ability to record class lectures, and access to content with a screen reader.
Modifications for Non-native English Speakers
In recognition of the diverse linguistic backgrounds of our international students, we offer several accommodations to ensure a fair and supportive learning environment.
- Exams: If you encounter unfamiliar terms not covered in class, the Testing Center proctors are authorized to assist with translations. This support aims to clarify the meaning without providing an advantage.
- Oral Presentations: International students, along with those who have auditory processing challenges, may request extended time for presentations. You are also permitted to use written notes to aid your delivery. Time adjustments will be made on a case-by-case basis to ensure you can effectively convey your knowledge while staying within reasonable limits.
If you require these or other accommodations, please communicate your needs in advance so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Title IX
Elizabethtown College and its faculty are committed to creating a safe and open learning environment for all students. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment, including sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, and stalking, please know that help and support are available. Etown strongly encourages all members of the community to take action, seek support, and report incidents of sexual harassment to the Title IX Office. You may contact the Title IX Coordinator at reedg@etown.edu or learn more by visiting https://www.etown.edu/offices/diversity/titleix/index.aspx.
Please be aware that faculty members are required to disclose information about suspected or alleged sexual harassment or other potential violations of the College Sexual Misconduct Policies and Procedures to the Title IX Coordinator. If the Title IX Coordinator receives information about an incident, they will reach out to offer information about resources, rights, and procedural options as a member of the campus community. Community members are not required to respond to this outreach. If you, or another student you know, wishes to speak to a confidential resource who does not have this reporting responsibility, please contact Counseling Services at 717-361-1405.