Course Schedule


Note this tentative schedule is subject to change. Please check the schedule regularly.

Last updated: 08/21/2023

Week Starting Topics Reading Notes
1 8/21/23 M: Lec1 - Course introduction and computer security Ch 1 Mon: HW1 out
W: Lec2 - Security Basics & SEED environment
F: Lec3 - Linux commands for security
2 8/28/23 M: Lec4 - Web technology basics Ch 11
W: Lec5 - Advanced web technolgy
F: Dr. Li on Travel - No Class
3 9/4/23 M: Labor Day - No Class Ch 12 Team formation due, Start project proposal writing
W: Lec6 - Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)
F: Lec7 - CSRF countermeasures
4 9/11/23 M: PE1 - CSRF Ch 13 Mon: HW1 due, HW2 out
W: Lab1 - CSRF
F: Lec8 - Cross-site scripting attack (XSS)
5 9/18/23 M: Lec9 - XSS Part 2 Ch 14
W: Lec10 - XSS countermeasures and generalization
F: PE2 - XSS
6 9/25/23 M: Lab2 - XSS Project chapters Mon: HW2 due, HW3 out
W: Lec11 - SQL Injection attack (SQLi)
F: PE3 - SQLi
7 10/2/23 M: Lab 3 - SQLi; Exam 1 preview Project chapters Mon: Project proposal due
W: Exam 1
F: Fall Break - No Class
8 10/9/23 M: Lec12 - Users, groups and access control list (ACL) Ch 2
W: Lec13 - Set-UID mechanism
F: Lec14 - Set-UID attack surface
9 10/16/23 M: Lec15 - Environment varialbes (ENV) attacks Ch 3 Mon: HW3 due, HW 4 out
W: Lec16 - ENV attack surface and case studies (Simon Burleson)
F: PE4 - Set-UID
10 10/23/23 M: Lab4 - Set-UID Ch 4
W: Lec17 - Buffer overflow (BOF) attack (Matt Sutton)
F: Lec18 - BOF countermeasures (Aiden Walmer) Fri: Final project midterm check due
11 10/30/23 M: PE5 - Buffer overflow Ch 24 Mon: HW 4 due, HW 5 out
W: Lab5 - Buffer overflow
F: Module 2 summary; Exam 2 preview
12 11/6/23 M: Exam 2 Ch 25
W: Lec19 - Introduction to cryptography
F: Lec20 - Secret-key encryption (Anfal Al-Hussaini)
13 11/13/23 M: Lec21 - One-way hash function (Isabel Pacheco Mattivi) Ch 26 Mon: HW 5 due
W: Lec22 - Public-key cryptography (Phillip Goldberg)
F: Lec23 - Public-key infrastructure (Alex Fox)
14 11/20/23 M: Lec24 - TLS and HTTPS (Giovanni Raso) Ch 27
W: Lec25 - Blockchain and Bitcoin (Tyler Souders)
F: Thanksgiving Break - No Class
15 11/27/23 M: Project presentation group 1 Project chapters
W: Project presentation group 2
F: Project presentation group 3
16 12/4/23 M: Project presentation group 4 (if needed)
Fri: Final report and revised code due