Grading Policies
Grading Weights
The final grade for this course depends upon the grades and scores earned on course components weighted as follows:
- 20%: Project proposal
- 10%: Milestone 1
- 10%: Milestone 2
- 10%: Milestone 3
- 30%: Final project
- 20%: Final paper
Grades will be computed by rounding numerical percentages to the nearest integer and applying the following table:
Letter | Range | Letter | Range | Letter | Range |
A | 93-100 | B- | 80-82 | D+ | 67-69 |
A- | 90-92 | C+ | 77-79 | D | 63-66 |
B+ | 87-89 | C | 73-76 | D- | 60-62 |
B | 83-86 | C- | 70-72 | F | 0-59 |
Grades for the proposal, milestones, final project, and final paper will be recorded in Canvas ( Students may compute their current average by using these scores with the weights listed above.
All work is individual in this course. Each student, working with the instructor, will formulate the outline of a project. The plan for this project including goals should be written up and presented as a formal proposal due on the date specified in the course schedule. It should be turned in as a Word, LaTex, or PDF file and uploaded into Canvas before 11:59pm on the due day.
After the project has been proposed and approved, each student will have to present a document and give an oral presentation for each of three milestones. The document should be turned in as a Word, LaTeX, or PDF file. This document should be included in a zip file that also contains appropriate code. This zip file should be uploaded into Canvas before 11:59pm on the due date.
Milestone | Content |
1 | Required hardware and software |
Desired features | |
Expected timeline | |
2 | Implementation of essential features |
Working code | |
Evidence of good software engineering and design | |
3 | Final features (no features should be added after Milestone 3) |
Testing and debugging plan |
Final Project and Paper
A working version of the source code will be submitted by compressing it in a zip file and uploading that file onto Canvas before 11:59pm on the final project due date. Likewise, a paper of at least 8 pages (2,000 words) describing the purpose of the project, previous work done in the area, implementation details, successes, failures, and potential future work should be submitted. It should be turned in as a Word, LaTex, or PDF file and uploaded into Canvas before 11:59pm on the final project due date.