Policy Statements

Course Announcements & Discussion

All course announcements will be posted via the Canvas Announcements page – you are responsible for checking the email updates (or app notifications) from Canvas regularly.

Discussions can be made via the Canvas Discussion page – you should never post complete programs to Discussion page (only general questions are permitted).

Need to DM (direct message) me? Join my Discord Q&A server: link

Attendance Policies

Attendance is expected of every student at every meeting. Students should come to meetings prepared to explain their progress and discuss appropriate technical issues.

Statement on School Closure

In the event that classes do not meet because Elizabethtown College is closed or delayed due to inclement weather or some other emergency, the slides that would have been covered during the missed classes will posted through Piazza group. Students are expected to do the assigned reading, review the slides, and e-mail the instructor with any questions. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the material when classes resume.

If a scheduled exam or lab is missed, it will normally be made up on the day that classes resume. If the College is closed on a day when a project is due, the project due date will also normally be extended until the day when classes resume. If circumstances render either of these makeup policies unreasonable, the instructor will send an e-mail explaining an alternative makeup opportunity to each student’s Elizabethtown e-mail account.

Statement on Plagiarism

Please refer to the Student Handbook for the college’s policy. All projects and assignments must be completed by students individually, without assistance from anyone other than the instructor. Students can discuss the course material with each other at a conceptual level, but each student must do his or her own work. For projects, exams, and all other activities in the course, students are expected to act according to the official policy on academic dishonesty and the highest standards of personal integrity.

The first infraction of academic honesty in this course will carry a penalty of a 0 for the project, lab, or exam in question and a reduction of a full letter grade in the final grade. If a second infraction occurs, the students involved will fail the course, and the instructor will seek the maximum penalty possible under the college’s regulations, up to and including expulsion.

Statement on Disability

Full statement can be found at link. Elizabethtown College welcomes otherwise qualified students with disabilities to participate in all of its courses, programs, services, and activities. If you have a documented disability and would like to request accommodations in order to access course material, activities, or requirements, please contact the Director of Disability Services, Lynne Davies, by phone (361-1227) or e-mail daviesl@etown.edu. If your documentation meets the college’s documentation guidelines, you will be given a letter from Disability Services for each of your professors. Students experiencing certain documented temporary conditions, such as post-concussive symptoms, may also qualify for temporary academic accommodations and adjustments. As early as possible in the semester, set up an appointment to meet with the instructor to discuss the academic adjustments specified in your accommodations letter as they pertain to my class.

All students are expected to adhere to the established community expectations around safety, including: daily digital health reporting, physical distancing, proper wearing of facial coverings within buildings and classrooms and when within six feet of individuals outdoors, frequent handwashing, and participation in cleaning and sanitizing protocols as requested. You will be turned away from class if you do not have a face covering. Students diagnosed with a health condition that precludes mask wearing can contact Lynne Davies in Disability Services (daviesl@etown.edu) to request remote learning as a reasonable accommodation.

If you are exhibiting any symptoms of COVID or fail to pass the daily health screen, do not come to class. Failure to adhere to the established community expectations around safety will result in notification of Campus Security and application of the student conduct process for failure to comply, endangering the well-being of others, and/or disorderly conduct. The student code of conduct applies also to participation in all virtual activities, including Zoom sessions and discussion boards

Statement on Religious Observances

The College is eager to facilitate individual religious beliefs and practices whenever possible while retaining course student learning outcomes. It is your responsibility to meet with the class instructor in advance to request arrangements related to your religious observances that may conflict with this class, and to make appropriate plans to make up any missed work.
