Course Schedule

Note this tentative schedule is subject to change. Please check the schedule regularly.

Last updated: 08/21/2023

Week Starting Topics Reading Notes
1 8/21/23 M: Lec1 - Course Intro & Computer Science
W: Lec2 - Demo of Course Tools & First Program Week1-1
F: Lec3 - Values, Data Types and Operations Week1-2
2 8/28/23 M: Lec4 - Function Calls & Type Conversion Functions Week2-1
W: Lec5 - Variables & Input, Lab 1 - Variables and I/O Week2-2
F: Dr. Li on Travel - Complete Lab 1 with TA Week2-3
3 9/4/23 M: Labor Day - No Class
W: Lec6 - Debut of Turtle & OOP Concepts Week3-1 Wed: Project 1 out.
F: Lec7 - A Herd of Turtles & More Turtle Methods Week3-2
4 9/11/23 M: Lec8 - Repetition with a for Loop Week4-1
W: Lec9 - Boolean Expressions, Logical Operators Week4-2
F: Lab 2 - Conditions and Repetitions Week4-3
5 9/18/23 M: Lec10 - Conditional Execution Week5-1
W: Lec11 - The Listener Loop: while Loops Week5-2 Wed: Project 1 due. Project 2 out.
F: Lec12 - Functions (1) Week5-3
6 9/25/23 M: Lec13 - Functions (2) Week6-1
W: PE1 - Loops and Functions Week6-2
F: Lab 3 - Functions Week 6-3
7 10/2/23 M: Lab Test 1
W: Midterm Exam
F: Fall Break - No Class
8 10/9/23 M: Lec14 - Strings Week8-1
W: Lec15 - Tuples and Lists Week8-2 Wed: Project 2 due. Project 3 out.
F: Lec16 - Dictionaries Week8-3
9 10/16/23 M: Lec17 - Iterations Week9-1
W: Lec18 - Accumulation Week9-2
F: PE2 - Data Structures Week9-3
10 10/23/23 M: Lec19 - OOP Classes and Objects. Week10-1
W: Lec20 - Instance methods Week10-2
F: Lab 4 - Data Structures Week10-3
11 10/30/23 M: Lec21 - Class attribute and class methods Week11-1
W: Lec22 - Class customization Week11-2 Wed: Project 3 due. Project 4 out.
F: PE3 - OOP Week11-3
12 11/6/23 M: Lab 5 - OOP Week12-1
W: PE4 - OOP and Data Structures Week12-2
F: Lab Test 2
13 11/13/23 M: Lec23 - Python for Data Science and AI Week13-1
W: Lec24 - Pandas DataFrame Week13-2 Wed: Project 4 due. Project 5 out.
F: Lec25 - DataFrame Operations Week13-3
14 11/20/23 M: Lec26 - Data Visualization Week14-1
W: PE5 - Pandas Week14-2
F: Thanksgiving Break - No Class
15 11/27/23 M: Lab 6 - Pandas All
W: Course Review All
F: Final Exam Q&A All Fri: Project 5 due.
16 12/4/23 M: Final Exam: 7:30-10:30 AM
W: Good luck with your finals
F: Good luck with your finals