Policy Statements

Course Schedule

The most up-to-date course schedule will be posted on course website schedule page: https://peilong.github.io/courses/cs222/schedule/. Students are responsible for checking the schedule regularly. Schedule page will include: 1) teaching topics for each meeting; 2) reading assignments for each week and 3) special notes on specific days.

Course Announcements & Discussion

All course announcements will be sent to your E-Town email accounts via Canvas Announcements. You are responsible for signing up for this service and checking your emails regularly.

I have created a Microsoft Teams channel (link) to facilitate course related discussion. Discussions are encouraged to be posted on the “QA” channel from Teams. Private instant messages can be sent directly to your recipient by search your recipient’s name on the “search” bar.

Attendance Policies

Attendance is expected of every student at every lecture. Students are responsible for all content covered in class as well as assigned book chapters. Due to their nature, pop quizzes cannot be made up.

Except in the case of documented emergencies, neither exams nor in-class labs can be made up afterwards. For excused absences, students must arrange to take the exam or do the lab before the normally scheduled time. Arrangements must be made with the instructor at least two weeks prior to the scheduled time.

Students are expected to maintain an attitude of respect at all times toward their colleagues, the equipment, and the instructor. Cell phones and similar devices is prohibited from using during lecturing time. Students who use offensive language, misuse computing facilities, or are otherwise disruptive of the classroom will be asked to leave.

Statement on School Closure

In the event that classes do not meet because Elizabethtown College is closed or delayed due to inclement weather or some other emergency, the slides that would have been covered during the missed classes will be posted through Canvas. Students are expected to do the assigned reading, review the slides, and e-mail the instructor with any questions. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the material when classes resume.

If a scheduled exam or lab is missed, it will normally be made up on the day that classes resume. If the College is closed on a day when a project is due, the project due date will also normally be extended until the day when classes resume. If circumstances render either of these makeup policies unreasonable, the instructor will send an e-mail explaining an alternative makeup opportunity to each student’s Elizabethtown e-mail account.

Statement on Plagiarism

Check out the up-to-date statement from: Elizabethtown College Catalog, “Academic Judicial System”

Statement on the Use of ChatGPT and Generative AI Tools

To maintain course integrity and ensure equal opportunity for all students, submissions generated by artificial intelligence (AI) systems, including ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Claude, Google Bard, or similar tools, are not allowed for classwork or assessments. Such AI usage diminishes the development of critical skills vital for academic success. While students can use AI for research and idea generation, all submitted work must be their original writing. It’s essential to recognize both the advantages and limitations of AI in learning and research. AI suggestions aren’t always accurate, so students should assess AI outputs critically. Breaching this guideline results in academic misconduct. Seek clarification if uncertain about AI usage in assignments.

Statement on Disability

Full statement can be found at: Course Syllabus on Disability Services, Religious Observances, and COVID related expectations.

Diversity and Inclusivity Statement

I consider this classroom to be a place where you will be treated with respect, and I welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, ability - and other visible and non-visible differences. All members of this class are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming and inclusive environment for every other member of the class.
