Course Schedule


Note this tentative schedule is subject to change. Please check the schedule regularly.

Last updated: 01/18/2024

Week Starting Topics Reading Notes
1 1/15/24 M: MLK Day, No Classes IS: 1.1-1.4 or CIS 19.1-19.4
W: Lec1 - Course introduction and network security
F: Lec2 - SEED labs and Capture-the-flag
2 1/22/24 M: Lec3 - Networking basics IS: 1.5-1.8 or CIS: 19.5-19.8 Mon: HW1 out
W: Lec4 - Packet sniffing
F: Lab0 - Wireshark; Packet sniffing
3 1/29/24 M: Lec5 - Packet spoofing IS: 2.1-2.4
W: PE1 - Sniffing & Spoofing
F: Lab1 - Sniffing & Spoofing
4 2/5/24 M: Lec6 - MAC layer; ARP protocol IS: 2.5-2.7 Mon: HW1 due; HW2 out
W: Lec7 - ARP cache poisoning attack
F: Lec8 - MITM attack
5 2/12/24 M: PE2 - ARP IS: 3.1-3.3
W: Lab2 - ARP
F: Lec9 - Network layer; IP protocol
6 2/19/24 M: Lec10 - Attacks using IP fragmentation IS: 3.4-3.7 Mon: HW 2 due; HW3 out
W: Lec11 - Routing and spoofing prevention
F: Lec12 - ICMP protocol
7 2/26/24 M: Lec13 - Exam 1 Preview IS: 5.1-5.4
W: Exam 1 group 1
F: Exam 1 group 2
8 3/4/24 M: Spring Break; No Classes
W: Spring Break; No Classes
F: Spring Break; No Classes
9 3/11/24 M: Lec14 - CTF prep IS: 6.1-6.3 or CIS: 20.1-20.3 Mon: HW 3 duu; HW 4 out
W: Lec15 - Transport layer; TCP protocol
F: Lec16 - SYN flooding attack
10 3/18/24 M: Lec17 - TCP reset attack IS: 6.4-6.7 or CISS: 20.4-20.7
W: Lec18 - TCP session hijacking
F: Lec19 - Reverse shell
11 3/25/24 M: PE3 - TCP Presentation related
W: Lab3 - TCP
F: College Holiday, No Classes
12 4/1/24 M: Lec20 - Exam 2 Preview Presentation related Mon: HW4 due
W: Exam 2 group 1
F: Exam 2 group 2
13 4/8/24 F: Lec21 - Firewall Part 1 IS: 7.1-7.3 or CIS: 21.1-21.3 Mon: Lecture presentation due
M: Lec22 - Firewall Part 2 IS: 7.4-7.7 or CIS: 21.4-21.7
W: Lec23 - VPN Part 1 IS: 8.1-8.5 or CIS: 22.1-22.5
14 4/15/24 M: Lec24 - VPN Part 2 IS: 8.6-8.9 or CIS: 22.6-22.9
W: Lec25 - Tunneling IS: 9
F: Lec26 - DNS part 1 IS: 10.1-10.3 or CIS: 23.1-23.3
15 4/22/24 M: Lec27 - DNS part 2 IS: 10.4-10.7 or CIS: 23.4-23.7
W: Lec28 - DNS part 3 IS: 10.8-10.11 or CIS: 10.8-23.11
F: Final project group 1
16 4/29/23 M: Final project group 2
W: Final project group 3
F: No Class
17 5/6/23 M: 2:30-5:30 Final project group 4
W: Work on your final report
F: Work on youor final report Fri: Final report due


  • IS Ch2: MAC and ARP. Link
  • IS Ch3: IP and ICMP. Link
  • IS Ch5: UDP. Link
  • IS Ch9: IP Tunneling. Link